In Search of A Giffen Input: A Comprehensive Analysis of The Wold-Juréen (1953) Production Function

  • Robert SPROULE Bishop's University, Canada


The Wold-Juréen (1953) utility function serves as an exemplar of those utility functions which have the potential to yield a Giffen good. As such, this utility function has contributed much to the overall development of consumer theory. Because of the said success of the Wold-Juréen (1953) utility function, it seems only natural to ask this: can the Wold-Juréen (1953) functional form also serve as an ex- emplar of those production functions which have the potential to yield a Giffen factor? Since our review of the literature suggests that no such question has ever been posed, therein lies the purpose of the present paper.


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How to Cite
SPROULE, Robert. In Search of A Giffen Input: A Comprehensive Analysis of The Wold-Juréen (1953) Production Function. Journal of Mathematical Economics and Finance, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 2, p. 87 - 100, dec. 2022. ISSN 2458-0813. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025. doi: