Using Intelligent Agents in Online Betting Management Systems

  • Claudiu Ionut POPÎRLAN Faculty of Science, Department of Computer Science University of Craiova, Romania
  • Laura GAVRILĂ Faculty of Juridical, Economic and Administrative Sciences Spiru Haret University, Romania
  • Cristina POPÎRLAN Faculty of Science, Department of Computer Science University of Craiova, Romania


In this paper we present the possibility of integration intelligent agents in online betting strategy, in order to increase profitability. We proposed this approach for a betting management system and examined its usefulness in the online betting market. We also compared the proposed model against other most commonly used prediction methods.


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*** (Accesed date: November 2017)
*** (Accesed date: November 2017)
*** (Accesed date: November 2017)
*** (Accesed date: November 2017)
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*** JADE, Java Agent Development Environment, website:
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*** Java Programming Language, website: index.html
How to Cite
POPÎRLAN, Claudiu Ionut; GAVRILĂ, Laura; POPÎRLAN, Cristina. Using Intelligent Agents in Online Betting Management Systems. Journal of Advanced Research in Management, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 2, p. 126-131, apr. 2018. ISSN 2068-7532. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025. doi: v8.2(16).04.