Methodological Aspects of Social and Economic Efficiency of the Regional Activities

  • Ivan Stepanovich SANDU All-Russia Research Institute of Agricultural Economics of the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations, Moscow, Russia
  • Mikhail Yakovlevich VESELOVSKY State Institution of Higher Academic Education of Moscow Region Financial Technology Academy, Moscow Region, Russia
  • Elena Ivanovna SEMYONOVA Federal State-Funded Educational University of Higher Professional Education Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University, Moscow Region, Russia
  • Alexander Vladlenovich FEDOTOV State Institution of Higher Academic Education of Moscow Region Financial Technology Academy, Moscow Region, Russia
  • Alma Irgibaevna DOSHCHANOVA All-Russia Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Moscow, Russia


The article reviews the main approaches to determine the efficiency of the regional level through the system of indicators adopted by the Federal Statistics Service in regard to a certain limit, using the particular indicators. The proposed methodology of evaluation of the social and economic efficiency is based on a comparison of regions by economic and social indicators of blocks, calculation of the index for each block and the formation of a comprehensive integrated assessment of economic and social development of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Its approbation by the Russian Federation and the Moscow region indicates a growing social and economic efficiency.


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How to Cite
SANDU, Ivan Stepanovich et al. Methodological Aspects of Social and Economic Efficiency of the Regional Activities. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 3, p. 650-659, apr. 2017. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 mar. 2025.