System of Guarantees of Civil Rights: Constitutional and Branch Specifics

  • Andrey A. METSGER State University of Management, Moscow, Russian Federation


Relevance. The study is relevant since the meaning and purpose of special (legal or juridical) guarantees is to establish such legal institutes that would provide legal means for the implementation of rights and duties, as well as protect the rights of citizens from violations by officials, government bodies and other citizens. Adhering to the traditional scientific classification of legal guarantees, the authors of the article distinguish between guarantees of implementing and guarantees of protecting personal security based on their functions.

Objective. The article aims at studying the system of guarantees of civil rights with due regard to their constitutional and branch specifics. Special attention is paid to general guarantees of civil rights embracing ideological, economic, social and political factors that create the best conditions and prerequisites for the realization of civil rights and freedoms at the current development of society and state.

Methods. The main research method was deduction used for studying the legal nature and specifics of the system of guarantees of civil rights with due regard to their constitutional and branch aspects. The authors of the article also used the inductive, comparative-legal and historical methods, as well as the method of systematic scientific analysis. To solve the task, it is necessary to consider the legal foundations and features of implementing guarantees of civil rights as exemplified by modern Russia.

Results. The article proves that the structure of guarantees of personal rights in the Russian Federation still has not been resolved from the theoretical viewpoint. The authors of the article claim that it is necessary to highlight such a type as organizational guarantees. While studying guarantees of personal security, scholars also need to consider that this right belongs to the system of personal rights, whose full list is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. At the same time, ensuring personal rights and civil freedoms is a significant task of many state structures, including internal affairs bodies.


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How to Cite
METSGER, Andrey A.. System of Guarantees of Civil Rights: Constitutional and Branch Specifics. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 4, p. 1200-1205, june 2020. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 30 mar. 2025. doi: