The Mechanism of International Legal Support of Effective Management of Indigenous Peoples in the Northern Territories

  • Vadim Avdeevich AVDEEV Yugra State University, Russian Federation
  • Stanislav Vasilyevich ROZENKO Yugra State University, Law Institute, Russian Federation
  • Igor Nikolaevich FEDULOV Yugra State University, Russian Federation
  • Igor Mikhailovich OSPICHEV Department of State Law Disciplines, Yugra State University, Russian Federation
  • Elena Vyacheslavovna FROLOVA Department of State Law Disciplines, Yugra State University, Russian Federation
  • Elena Evgenievna STEPANOVA Department of State Law Disciplines, East-Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russia, Russian Federation


The article examines the key directions to improve the effectiveness of legal means to protect the interests of the North’s indigenous minorities in the context of globalization. Attention is paid to the improvement of legal instruments for regulating public relations related to small indigenous minorities of the North. Special attention is focused on the correlation between international legal bases, national legislation and regional acts.

Close attention is paid to the role and place of small indigenous minorities in Russian Federation state policy. The state and legal transformations taking place in the context of globalization are modelling a new level of social relations and give rise to special interest in improving their traditional way of life.

The scientific rationale for new conceptual approaches is predetermined by the specificities of indigenous peoples’ social development. In this regard, the main areas of national policy applicable to the country’s indigenous population as a whole and to individual regions where they live in the twenty-first century require modernization. Preservation and development of ethnic groups requires the solution of modern problems through public authorities and self-government.

The article analyzes the priority directions of state and legal policy, goals and objectives that meet the interests to protect the rights of small indigenous peoples.

At present, it is necessary that the focus of legal policy should be directed at proclaiming and ensuring the rights of indigenous peoples, preserving their unique way of life, promoting life support in the changed conditions of the cultural and natural environment and protecting them from the negative influence of post-industrial society.


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How to Cite
AVDEEV, Vadim Avdeevich et al. The Mechanism of International Legal Support of Effective Management of Indigenous Peoples in the Northern Territories. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 4, p. 1095-1101, june 2020. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 08 feb. 2025. doi: