The Extent of the Arbitrator's Immunity from Civil Liability Compared to the Judge's Immunity (Comparative Study)

  • Yassin Ahmad ALQUDAH Middle East University, Faculty of Law, Jordan
  • Abdullah Ahmed ALKHSEILAT Middle East University, Faculty of Law, Jordan


This study aims at the legal dimensions of the legislative deficiency of the arbitrator's immunity from civil liability in the Jordanian Arbitration Law, which the legislator granted to the judge.

The researchers reached the need to amend the provisions of the Jordanian Arbitration Law to grant immunity to the arbitrator, especially since the work is similar to that of a judge.

The judicial immunity of the arbitrator is civil liability in comparison with the immunity of the judge

Jordanian and Egyptian lawmakers have imposed restrictions on the civil (commercial) arbitrator's responsibility for the mistakes he makes while performing his arbitral mission, This is to encourage arbitration, compared to the position of the arbitrator over the judge's function, hence granting the Jordanian legislator and the Egyptian legislator and the judgments of the commercial arbitrator judicial immunity similar to that enjoyed by the judge but much less than the immunity of the judge.

We therefore consider it appropriate to examine the arbitrator's immunity, beginning with a shedding light on the judges' immunity from civil responsibility, given the similarity in the task entrusted to both the judge and the arbitrator, which is to resolve disputes by a legally binding and enforceable judgment.

This requires us to present the principle of judicial immunity from civil liability, and the reasons that support and oppose such immunity, in order to determine the judicial immunity of arbitrators of civil liability.



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How to Cite
ALQUDAH, Yassin Ahmad; ALKHSEILAT, Abdullah Ahmed. The Extent of the Arbitrator's Immunity from Civil Liability Compared to the Judge's Immunity (Comparative Study). Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 3, p. 711 – 718., june 2020. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 feb. 2025. doi: