Tools of Mathematical Modeling of the Implementation of Innovative Projects in the Enterprise

  • Arsen Azidovich TATUEV Kabardino -Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov, Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
  • Zalina Nurmuhamedovna ZHANKAZIEVA Kabardino -Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov, Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
  • Violetta Valerievna ROKOTYANSKAYA Moscow State University of Food Productions, Moscow
  • Larisa Anatolievna SAKHAROVA Moscow State University of Food Productions, Moscow
  • Elena Nikolaevna STENKINA Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok


This paper presents the stochastic optimization methods in socio-economic systems. The authors proposed a stochastic model of optimal output. The practical guidelines on optimization in industrial systems are designed. In order to develop production plans the authors proposes a specific model of stochastic optimization. It is proposed to use the model not alone, but in conjunction with the method of analysis and evaluation of programs. This method allows designing complex manufacturing systems in conditions of uncertainty.


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How to Cite
TATUEV, Arsen Azidovich et al. Tools of Mathematical Modeling of the Implementation of Innovative Projects in the Enterprise. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 428-438, dec. 2016. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.
Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics


methods of stochastic optimization; social and economic systems; mathematical model; linear programming