Assessing Factors of Small Business Development in Subjects of the Russian Federation

  • Elena SHAMALOVA Department of Economics and Management, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Elena KOSTROMIN Higher School of Business, Management and Law Russian State University of Tourism and Service, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Anton Evgenievich POLYAKOV Department ‘The customs right and the organization of customs affairs’, Legal institute of Russian University of Transport (RUT - MIIT), Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Veronika Sergeevna NOVIKOVA Department ‘Advertising and Human Resources’, Moscow Witte University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Alexander MUKHOV JSC ‘Hilti distribution LTD’, Moscow, Russian Federation


This study is dedicated to assessing the factors of entrepreneurship that contribute or impede the development of small business in the regions.

The study aims at displaying the factors of entrepreneurship in Russia through statistical indicators and determining their impact on the development of small enterprises in the regions with different conditions and development.

At the first stage of the study, two groups of regions with the most favorable and unfavorable conditions for the development of small business were identified by using the multivariate comparative analysis.

At the second stage, the entrepreneurship factors in the form of statistical indicators were divided into four groups: political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological-innovative. Using the correlation analysis, the factors that had the strongest impact on the development of small business in the regions were determined. These factors were compared to the results of monitoring the entrepreneurship in world countries and Russia. The difference between the results of the statistical analysis and the results of the entrepreneurs’ surveys has been revealed.

During the study it has been determined that depending on a region and its development, one and the same factor of entrepreneurship can influence small businesses in different ways.

It has also been substantiated that it is impossible to correctly compile a general list of entrepreneurship factors for the Russian regions. It is necessary to monitor the opinions of entrepreneurs and carry out the statistical analysis of factors for each group of regions that are similar in their development.

The conclusions of the study can be used as theoretical basis for studying the problems of developing small business in the regions.


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How to Cite
SHAMALOVA, Elena et al. Assessing Factors of Small Business Development in Subjects of the Russian Federation. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. 574 – 585, mar. 2020. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025. doi: