Monitoring as a Tool for Improvement of Modern Regional Anti-Corruption Policy in Russia

  • Zemfira M. KAZACHKOVA Department of Administrative and Financial Law, All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Elena B. KOZLOVA Center for Scientific Research, All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA), Moscow, Russian Federation


Despite an extensive collection of specialized literature on anti-corruption field, including in the Russian segment of the study of these phenomena, issues of anti-corruption monitoring are not the dominant branch of modern special issues. However, it is this aspect that allows us to discover the real effect of managerial decisions of different anti-corruption agencies. Russia is the largest federal state in which the influence of regional anti-corruption strategies and programs is heterogeneous. Regions are rapidly gaining experience, identifying critical zones, corruption traps. In this sense, the generalization of this experience, the extrapolation of the results is a scientific task with a serious future perspective.


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How to Cite
KAZACHKOVA, Zemfira M.; KOZLOVA, Elena B.. Monitoring as a Tool for Improvement of Modern Regional Anti-Corruption Policy in Russia. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. 80 – 90, mar. 2020. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025. doi: