Brief Analysis of the Dispute Resolution Methods through Mediation in Romania

  • Claudiu IGNAT Private Law Department, Legal, Economic and Administrative Sciences Faculty, Spiru Haret University, Romania


Mediation is an alternative way of resolving conflicts and in particular disputes that may otherwise reach a judiciary settlement. This procedure is a voluntary choice for the warring parties, but may be a compulsory procedure, when mediation is the only way to resolve disputes stipulated through a compromissory clause in the contract bet of the parties they are in dispute.

Even though mediation is a non-contentious procedure, it has a set of rules and principles that govern this procedure, guaranteeing the respect of the rights of all parties in the dispute over mediation.


[1] Moore, C.W. 2003. The Mediation Process, Third Edition Revised, USA.
[2] Ignat, C. 2015. Mediation and Arbitration Course, Bucharest, University Publishing House.
[3] Ignat, C., Șuștac, Z., Dănileț, C. 2009. Mediation Guide, Bucharest, University Publishing House.
[4] Pancescu, F.G. 2008. Law of mediation. Comments and explanations, CH Beck Publishing House, Bucharest.
[5] Șuștac, Z., Ignat, C. 2010. Guide to Negotiating, Bucharest, Publishing University.
[6] Terzea, V. 2014. New Civil Code, 2nd edition, Vol. I, Universul Juridic. Publishing House, Bucharest,
[7] Terzea, V. 2014. New Civil Code, 2nd edition, Vol. II, Universul Juridic. Publishing House, Bucharest,
[8] Pătulea,V. 2015. Contract clauses, University Publishing House, Bucharest.
[9] Pătulea, V. 2016. Essential conditions for the validity of the contract, University Publishing House, Bucharest.
[10] Law 192/2006, republished and updated, law regarding the regulation of the profession of mediator.
How to Cite
IGNAT, Claudiu. Brief Analysis of the Dispute Resolution Methods through Mediation in Romania. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. 55 – 58, mar. 2020. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025. doi: