Problems of Countering Criminal Offenses in Information and Communication Networks
The article deals with the issues of countering crime in the field of information and communication in light of the current criminal legislation of Kazakhstan. These issues are largely determined by the current time and have become particularly relevant considering the development of new approaches in the high-tech crime fighting. Based on the research, the authors have come to new theoretical conclusions important for law enforcement practice, based on which they have formulated proposals for further improvement of the criminal legislation of Kazakhstan. These conclusions and proposals are formulated based on the study of a large number of normative acts, special literature available on the topic under study, as well as the use of law-enforcement practice materials and legal statistics. The paper contains solutions to the problems aimed at the development of scientifically-grounded proposals on the improvement of the legislation and practice of criminal prosecution bodies in the course of pre-trial investigation in combating criminal offenses in information and communication networks. Several recommendations for improving the legislative and organizational support for countering criminal offenses in the field of information and communication have been developed as well.
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