Compulsory Termination of Legal Entities: Civil Legal and Criminal Issues

  • Yurii M. YURKEVYCH Department of Civil Law Disciplines, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine
  • Ivan V. KRASNYTSKYI Department of Civil Law Disciplines, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine
  • Maria Z. VOVK Department of Civil Law Disciplines, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine
  • Oleksii V. AVRAMENKO Department of Civil Law Disciplines, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine
  • Nataliya M. PARASIUK Department of Civil Law Disciplines, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine


In the conditions of reforming of Ukrainian legislation, in the context of its harmonization with the law of the European Union, the research of the institute of legal entities is becoming more and more important. Fifteen years after the Civil and Economic Codes of Ukraine came into force, the various laws of Ukraine ‘On State Registration of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Formations’ have been introduced, and the Code of Ukraine on Bankruptcy Procedures was adopted, which will come into force on October 21, 2019, the legal regulation of the procedure for termination of legal entities has undergone significant changes. Many debates arise when it comes to compulsory liquidation procedures, the need to ensure proper legal regulation of the protection of the interests of bona fide creditors, the competence of legal entities at the stage of its termination, etc. This, in turn, necessitates a careful study of the legal framework, an analysis of the issues that arise in connection with this, and the filling of the gaps in the regulation of their main aspects.


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How to Cite
YURKEVYCH, Yurii M. et al. Compulsory Termination of Legal Entities: Civil Legal and Criminal Issues. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. 2910-2915, dec. 2019. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025. doi: