Methodological Aspects of Employing a Competency-Based Approach within the System of Management of Public Procurement: International Experience

  • Irina Petrovna GLADILINA Moscow Metropolitan Governance University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Marina Yur'evna POGUDAEVA Moscow Metropolitan Governance University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Tat'yana Aleksandrovna POLOVOVA Moscow Metropolitan Governance University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Svetlana Alexandrovna SERGEEVA Moscow Metropolitan Governance University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Ol'ga Vladimirovna LOTVINA Moscow Metropolitan Governance University, Moscow, Russian Federation


Over the course of several decades, international practice in the area of development of the institution of public procurement has produced a number of uniform approaches to cultivating relevant competencies in managers at public procurement agencies with a view to enhancing their management skills. Monitoring the outcomes of procurement activity enables various nations around the world to resolve the issue of establishing the optimum number and line-up of public contracting specialists based on the analysis of their qualification levels, experience, and theoretical training. Concurrently, relevant research is conducted into the quality of education in public procurement (training courses; career enhancement and professional retraining programs). Public procurement practice has proven the necessity of having in place a long-term policy for enhancing the skills of managers and specialists employed within the procurement sector.


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How to Cite
GLADILINA, Irina Petrovna et al. Methodological Aspects of Employing a Competency-Based Approach within the System of Management of Public Procurement: International Experience. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 2, p. 481-488, dec. 2018. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025. doi: 2(32).12.