Representation of National Minorities in State Institutions Through Quotas in The Region of South East Europe

  • Sadik HAXHIU Faculty of Law ‘Kadri Zekaʼ University-Gjilan, Kosovo
  • Urtak HAMITI Faculty of Law ‘Kadri Zekaʼ University-Gjilan, Kosovo
  • Gani ASLLANI Faculty of Law ‘Haxhi Zekaʼ Peja, Kosovo


Modern democratic societies and countries that are based on democracy, rule of law, respect of human rights and freedoms base those values in electoral systems and free and fair elections that legitimize the power of the people through their representatives. Norms for democratic electoral systems were set by various international institutions such as United Nations, Council of Europe, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and European Union. Although not all of the countries of the region of South East Europe are members of most relevant international institutions, they have adopted democratic norms concerning elections that are set by international institutions. Representation of national minorities in state institutions, legislative and executive branches, as well as other public institutions, through electoral systems or through constitutional and legal quotas, in some cases based on electoral systems or through political appointments, is the key ingredient of a full-functioning democratic order. This is even more important in the countries of South East Europe, many of which have been established in recent history, where the boundaries are geographic and are not set along ethnic lines. Most of the countries, regardless of the democratic elections, have opted for the system of quotas for their national minorities, in terms of their representation in state and public institutions, with the sole aim of bringing them on-board with the representatives of national majority to create democratic governing decision-making bodies.


[1] Convention on Protection of National Minorities, Strasburg. February 1995.
[2] Code of good practices on electoral matters; Guidelines and Explanatory Report – adopted by Venice Commission (Venice, 18-19 October 2002).
[3] Lund recommendations on effective participation of national minorities in public life and explanations september.1999.
[4] Report of the Experts Meeting on national minorities at CSCE, Geneva. 1991.
[5] Convention for Protection of Minorities article 3 (ETS 157).
[6] Electoral Law and National Minorities CDL-INF. 2000.
[7] OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Prinsessegracht 22 2514 AP The Hague the Netherlands, version in Albanian language.
[8] European Commission for Democracy through Lawit – Venice Commission, Code of good practices on electoral matters October 2002, page 1.
[9] Guy S. Goodwin – Gill. 1994. Interparlamentary Union, Geneve.
[10] International IDEA Manual, For drefting Electoral systems, International IDEA, Information Division, Stramsberg, 5-103,34, Stockholm, Sweeden, Seria e Manualeve 1/97.
[11] Haxhiu, Sadik; Zgjedhjet, 2013. Sistemet elektorale dhe procesi electoral-procesi jurdik, politik dhe krahasues(Elections, electoral system, and electoral process– judicial, political and comparative process).
[12] Constitution of Pakistan; Chapter II. Pakistan%20Constitution.pdf.
[13] Constitution of Colombia.
[14] International IDEA Manual, In drafting Electoral Systems, International IDEA, Information Division, Stramsberg, 5-103,34, Stockholm, Sweden, Series of Manuals 1/97; page 98.
[15] Inter Parliamentary Union; Chronical of Parliamentary Elections and Developments, No. 25, 1990- 1991, 111
[16] Constitution of Kosovo, Chapter on Kosovo Assembly. 2008.
[17] Law on election of members of the Assembly of Republic of Croatia, Zagreb. 1992.
[18] Law on electoral units for elections for the Assembly of Republic of Croatia, November 3rd 3. studenoga 1999
[19] Law on protection of rights and freedoms of national minorities, Republic of Serbia Ustavna povelja i ‘Sl. glasnik RSʼ, br. 72/2009 – Dr. Zakoni 97/2013 – odluka US)
[20] Law on election of members of the Assembly, article 4 (ʼSl. glasnik Republike Serbijeʼ, br. 36/2011.
[21] Constitution of Macedonia, amendamenti i XII; pdf.
[22] Constitution of the Republic Bosnia and Herzegovina, article 1, paragraph 2.
[23] Constitutional Framework for Provisional Self-Governance in Kosovo; chapter 9, part one, articles 9,1,2,3.
[24] Kosovo Central Election Committee, final results, 2001
[25] Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, article 64.
How to Cite
HAXHIU, Sadik; HAMITI, Urtak; ASLLANI, Gani. Representation of National Minorities in State Institutions Through Quotas in The Region of South East Europe. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 106-111, sep. 2018. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025. doi: