Civil Public Organizations for Providing a Public Order and their Role in Forming of Civil Society

  • Aleksandr S. SALOMATKIN
  • Vladimir M. REDKOUS
  • Vladimir I. FILONOV


Relevance of the studied problem is caused by the needs of more complete involvement of the public
associations created by citizens for providing a public order, to solve problems of formation of civil society for
creation of the constitutional state in the Russian Federation. The purpose of article is to analyze the legal basis
of participation of public associations in protection of a public order and to define the directions of improvement of
its legal control. The leading approach of researching of this problem is the dialectic interrelation of development
of state and legal institutes and institutes of civil society in order to achieve the highest possible personal, social
and state security, according to existing conditions, from internal and external threats under which the realization
of constitutional rights and freedoms of the Russian Federation citizens, good quality and level of their life,
sovereignty, independence, the state and territorial integrity, sustainable social and economic development of the
Russian Federation are provided. The article discloses the role of public organizations in providing public order,
reasoning the necessity of improvement of their legal status, including citizens taking part in them. The article also analyze the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and normative legal acts, normative legal
acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation (including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Altai Region) which regulate
activity of public organizations within the constitutional state and also foreign experience of such associations in
the USA, Great Britain, in countries of Western Europe. Summarizing this experience and it’s adaptation to theory
and practice of our country is mostly appropriate. Materials of article can be used in educational process, and
also in determining the directions of improvement of a legal basis of public organizations activities in providing a
public order.
How to Cite
YASTREBOVA, Anna I. et al. Civil Public Organizations for Providing a Public Order and their Role in Forming of Civil Society. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 417-425, may 2016. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.
Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics