Organizational-Economic Model of Management of Infrastructure of Small Business Support in the Service Sphere

  • Lyudmila G. RUDENKO
  • Natalia A. ZAITSEVA


The relevance of the problem, stated in the article, is conditioned by the gaining importance of the service sphere,
it becomes the foundation for the production, but its contribution to the Russian economy, significantly falls behind
the developed countries, that dictates the need to analyze the development of small business in the field of
services and identify the problems and search for new and effective forms of organization of small business
infrastructural support (ISSB). The main purpose of the article is to develop the organizational and economic
model of management of infrastructure of small business support in the service sector. Developed organizational
and economic model of management of ISSB in the service sector is based on the systematic approach,
including eight obligatory aspects: element, target, structural, functional, resource, integration, communication
and historical. The structure of introduced organizational and economic model of management of infrastructure of
small business support includes three levels of management entities, subject to control, support mechanisms and
their implementation, assessment indicators of infrastructure support. The model aims to integrate the organizational, legal, financial, informational and consulting SB support mechanisms and should be implemented
above all at the regional level, by reference to territorial and local interests. Article materials may serve for the
practical usage to the specialists and executives of federal and local authorities.
How to Cite
RUDENKO, Lyudmila G. et al. Organizational-Economic Model of Management of Infrastructure of Small Business Support in the Service Sphere. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 362-371, may 2016. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.
Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics