Evolution of Individual’s Intellect as Basis for Forming Intellectual Capital of Organization

  • Tatyana V. VARKULEVICH
  • Olga A. BATURINA


The article stipulates the reasonability to study intellectual capital of the organization as the one that is
complicated in the process of evolution. It describes the evolutionary model of intellectual capital as a succession
of types of activity that provides its creation. On the basis of using the analog method, the scheme of evolution of
types of individual’s intellect is correlated with the types of organizational activity performed with their aid.
Intellectual capital of organizations is represented as an informational system that reflects its development as
acquisition of new qualitative characteristics by it. It allows singling out types of organizational activity in relation
to and peculiar of a specific organization. Using categorical and system methodology in particular ‘Final
Information Flow’ method, a more complete and accurate description of intellectual capital in the form of
qualitative characteristics was received. The latter determine the possibility to perform various types of activity by
the organization that lead to the creation of intellectual capital and combination of these types. Purposeful
searching for qualitative characteristics of the object expressed as a set of parameters of the categorical model
allowed to define the succession of performing various types of the organizational activity. It provides the
possibility to identify the level of the formed intellectual capital of a specific organization, and to reveal the
potential and conditions of its further efficient use.
How to Cite
NEDOLUZHKO, Olga V. ; VARKULEVICH, Tatyana V. ; BATURINA, Olga A. . Evolution of Individual’s Intellect as Basis for Forming Intellectual Capital of Organization. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 332-340, may 2016. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <https://journals.aserspublishing.eu/jarle/article/view/220>. Date accessed: 10 feb. 2025.
Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics