Innovation Infrastructure of Engineering and Small Innovative Business in Development of National Innovation System

  • Сhulpan A. MISBAKHOVA
  • Alexey I. SHINKEVICH
  • Guzel F. YUSUPOVA
  • Liudmila V. STAKHOVA


The urgency of the problem stated in the paper is conditioned by the fact that the structural changes in the
components of the global socio-economic development are characterized by the alternative models for the
modernization of NIS, take place in conditions of instability, low activity of industrial companies in the
development of high-tech industrial lines. Despite intensive efforts to modernize NIS of Russia, the number of
organizations implementing various innovations is reduced. The purpose of the article is to develop a model for
the national innovation system’s functioning based on the development of regional engineering centers and small
innovative business to achieve sustainable innovation development. The leading method to the study of this
problem is the simulation method allowing the addressing of this issue as a purposeful and organized process to
establish regional centers of engineering and integrated with them small innovative companies as the key
elements of the national innovation system’s development to distinguish areas of activities and their functions in
the stages of advanced industrial technologies’ development, implementation, maintenance and replication of the results among the rest of the companies. The analysis of theoretical and practical approaches to NIS
development, based on the engineering activities is conducted, a concept of innovative development is proposed,
where the central part belongs to the phenomenon of innovations’ diffusion. The model is aimed at increasing of
the level of innovation development of NIS, facilitating in the attraction of small innovative entrepreneurship in
high-tech projects, ensuring the integration of research and education and industrial capacity, transferring of
knowledge and scientific developments in the industrial sector, creating unified technological chains and the flows
of innovations.
How to Cite
MISBAKHOVA, Сhulpan A. et al. Innovation Infrastructure of Engineering and Small Innovative Business in Development of National Innovation System. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 323-331, may 2016. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.
Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics