Tendencies and Perspectives of the Marriage Rate in Russia

  • Nursafa G. KHAIRULLINA
  • Oksana V. USTINOVA
  • Viktor A. GARABAZHII
  • Oksana V. TRETYAKOVA
  • Juliya Z. BOGDANOVA


Family in its development inevitably reflects significant trends in social transformation. It is not just experiencing
the powerful influence of factors of social dynamics, but in many ways it determines and reproduces these
factors. At the present stage social transformation led to the crisis of marriage and family relations, manifested in
the destruction of the moral foundations of the family, and the loss of essential values of family and marriage. The
mentioned tendencies are one of the reasons for the depopulation of the Russian people. Tendencies of the
marriage rate in modern Russia manifested in the growing number of unofficial marriages, mass rejection of
marriage and changing the boundaries of marriageable age. The article presents the results of a survey of
residents of Urals Federal District conducted by O. V. Ustinova in 2012, and a sample survey of reproductive
plans of Russians conducted by the Federal State Statistics Service in 30 regions of Russia in 2012, reflecting the
devaluation of marriage and family. Firstly, the authors conclude that it is necessary to revive the values of official
marriage, which is the basis for creating a family and having children; secondly, there is a need to strengthen
state influence on the formation of value orientations of family and individual with a shift of emphasis towards the
culture of creation and family values, to strengthen the institution of marriage. The authors point out the existence
of at least two theories regarding the prospects of the institution of marriage. According to the first, gender
relations will change in accordance with the social transformation so the model of marriage will experience further changes. The second theory, which takes into account the property relations and the rights of partners and
children, indicates the long-term of the official marriage.
How to Cite
KHAIRULLINA, Nursafa G. et al. Tendencies and Perspectives of the Marriage Rate in Russia. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 248-259, may 2016. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <https://journals.aserspublishing.eu/jarle/article/view/211>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.
Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics