Legal Basis for Ensuring Freedom of Access to Information on the Operation of State Administration Bodies in Kazakhstan
The paper deals with legal basis for ensuring freedom of access to information on the operation of state administration bodies in Kazakhstan. The notion, essence and content of citizen’s constitutional right to information are analyzed. The issues of enforcement of the citizen’s right to freely obtain information on the operation of state administration bodies, the forms and method of enforcement are covered in detail.
The paper provides a scientific basis for the need for defining criteria to differentiate the legal component, content, and conceptual framework used in the field of affording legal access to information; the author’s interpretation of individual terms is proposed. An analysis of legal ideas, principles, regulations, as well as provisions of the applicable legislation of Kazakhstan, which regulate public relations, ensuring freedom of access to information on the operation of state administration bodies, is carried out. The content and internal structure of the citizens’ legal claims for free access to information is revealed.
The introduction of the findings and recommendations will allow increasing the democratization level of the state management and Kazakhstan society as a whole, as well as increasing efficiency of operation of many state bodies and non-governmental organizations involved in the area of citizens’ legal access to information on the operation of state bodies, will increase the quality of statutes in force.
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