Legal Framework and Failure to Create Free Economic Zones in Kosovo

  • Armand KRASNIQI University of Prishtina ‘Hasan Prishtina’, Faculty of Economy, Republic of Kosovo


The Law on free economic zones exclusively regulates Establishment of free zones and free warehouses, their management and conducting economic activities. It is proven that the effects of these zones in countries in social – economic transition reflect positively in respect of incentives for the development of certain segments of economy, employment, and especially in the identity and reputation of the national economy. Even after five years of establishing a modest legal basis, in Kosovo not only any activity was undertaken for such zones, but it was not even thought or spoken about it. Public perception prevails that through such free zones country's economy might liberalize and favorable conditions for integration could be created. However, this legal framework should be supplemented with a series of legal acts of primary and secondary character detailing possible mitigations in the field of rule of customs, custom duties, tax mitigation and excise


[1] Paul, R. ‘ Economic Freedom Zones’
[2] Palmioli, G. Adam Heal’ Structural Economic Reform in China: The Role of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ ISSUE No. 3, November 2014, available at:

*** Administrative Instruction No. 01/2014: taken from
*** Administrative Instruction No. 03/2014: taken from
*** Administrative Instruction No. 17/2013: taken from
*** Administrative Instruction No. 2009/14: taken from
*** Administrative Instruction No. 2009/23: taken from
*** Administrative Instruction No. 2009/24: taken from
*** Administrative Instruction No. 2009/25: taken from
*** Administrative Instruction No. 2009/26: taken from
*** GAP Institute ‘Policy Analysis ‘Law on Economic Zones: its impact in the development of business parks’ May 2012, taken from
*** , last visited on 01.04.2015
*** Kosovo Customs and Excise Code Nr. 03/L - 109
*** Law on Economic Zones No. 04/L-159
*** Program on managing economic zones in Kosovo, Government of Kosovo – Ministry of Trade and Industry Research conducted by the University for Business and Technology UBT on behalf of the Agency for Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises within the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Taken from:;
How to Cite
KRASNIQI, Armand. Legal Framework and Failure to Create Free Economic Zones in Kosovo. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 91-96, june 2017. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.