Import Substitution Policy in the Chemical Industry of Pavlodar Region in the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Gulnar Serikbolatovna KAZIZOVA Innovative University of Eurasia, Kazakhstan
  • Akmaral Satbekovna KADYROVA Innovative University of Eurasia, Kazakhstan
  • Lyudmila Ivanovna KASHUK Innovative University of Eurasia, Kazakhstan
  • Lyazzat Kairkenovna KAIDAROVA Innovative University of Eurasia, Kazakhstan
  • Zulfiya Amangeldinovna ARYNOVA Innovative University of Eurasia, Kazakhstan
  • Altyngul Bolatovna UTEBAYEVA Economic Research Institute, Kazakhstan
  • Svetlana Vitalyevna ZOLOTAREVA Innovative University of Eurasia, Kazakhstan


The present paper studies the development of the modern state of the entire industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan using the example of Pavlodar region. The emphasis is placed on the analysis of the main positions on the development of the chemical, oil-refining and petrochemical industries of Pavlodar region in recent years. The article considers investments in the development of the above-mentioned industries in the region. It also provides a brief description of the major industrial companies that sell their products in the studied sectors of the manufacturing industry in the region. The method of the comparative analysis of statistical data on chemical and oil-refining production contributed to studying the quantitative values of these sectors in the context of the region. As a result, the authors propose pursuing the policy of import substitution in the chemical and petrochemical industries in the region as a protectionist policy and realizing the potential for the use of production facilities of the manufacturing industry in Pavlodar region.


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How to Cite
KAZIZOVA, Gulnar Serikbolatovna et al. Import Substitution Policy in the Chemical Industry of Pavlodar Region in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 78-90, june 2017. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.