Information Portal of the Diversified Structure of High-Tech Business as a Complex Object of Copyright in the Virtual Space

  • Gjusel I. GUMEROVA Foundation of infrastructure and educational programs (RUSNANO), Moscow, Russia
  • Elmira Sh. SHAIMIEVA Kazan Innovative University named after V.G.Timiryasov (IEML), Kazan, Russia


In this study are generated: methodological support of management of high-tech business (conceptual framework, the classification of enterprises), methodological support of the information portal as an object of management of enterprises of high-tech businesses. The paper examines the institutional provisions of the information portal as part of a multimedia product as a complex object of copyright; formed the definition of ‘information portal’ as part of a multimedia product, its characteristics in conjunction with the virtual property in the broad, narrow sense; the structure of the information portal highlighting the mandatory and optional parts; conducted case studies of seven portals of foreign and Russian enterprises of high-tech business, which as a diversified structures operating in high,- middle-tech kind of economic activities, and also in the field of knowledge-intensive services; carried out diagnostics of the official website of the company at the twenty-one criteria in a mandatory, additional parts of an information portal; developed the site of a diversified structure with the using of tools of strategic management (strategic management areas, product portfolio). The empirical base of the research are the official sites of the diversified high-tech business structures of Germany, Russia, USA. The study extended and confirmed the hypothesis about the activity, product portfolio diversified structures of high-tech business. As a result the study developed the concept of ‘enterprise high-tech business’ based on rankings of Thomson Reuters (USA) and ‘TekhUspekh’ (Russia); developed the concept of the 'information portal of the enterprise high-tech business’ as part of a multimedia product as a complex object of copyright; the structure of the information portal of the enterprise of high-tech business as the object of its management in the virtual space; developed recommendations to management of the JCS ‘Zawod Elecon’ (Kazan, Russia) in the field of information portal.


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How to Cite
GUMEROVA, Gjusel I.; SHAIMIEVA, Elmira Sh.. Information Portal of the Diversified Structure of High-Tech Business as a Complex Object of Copyright in the Virtual Space. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 8, p. 2010-2027, may 2017. ISSN 2068-696X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.