Filters and limits in filtered spaces

  • David Carf`ı Department of Mathematics, University of California Riverside


In this lecture  notes,  we study filters and limits in a feasible  sufficiently general  way for  many  applications  to  Physics,  Economics and  Social  Science.    In particular  we analyze:

  • Filters;

  • Filter bases;

  • Basic example in topological  spaces;

  • Basic examples in preordered spaces;

  • Filtered spaces;

  • Induced filter bases;

  • Examples in topological spaces;

  • Examples on the real line;

  • Limits;

  • Limits with respect to filter bases;

  • Limits with respect to filter bases  on subspaces;

  • Limits and topology;

  • Limits of functions on topological  spaces;

  • Limits of functions on a topological  subspace;

  • Some basic theorems for topology;

  • Unicity of the limit in Hausdor spaces;

  • Limits and functionals;

  • Limits for real functional;

  • Limits and operations;

  • Local boundness;

  • Complements;

  • Limits and convergence of filtered bases;

  • Limit of composition.



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How to Cite
CARF`I, David. Filters and limits in filtered spaces. Journal of Mathematical Economics and Finance, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2(5), p. 33 - 82, feb. 2018. ISSN 2458-0813. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025. doi: