Active Calls for book chapters contribution - Book title: Business under Uncertainty – Through the Lens of Behavioural Economics


We are excited to announce the call for chapter contributions to the highly anticipated ‘Business under Uncertainty – Through the Lens of Behavioural Economics.’ This comprehensive book, part of Oeconomica Collection published by ASERS Publishing, aims to explore diverse perspectives, insights, and research on various aspects of Behavioural Economics and Applied Statistics in Social Sciences, presenting a holistic understanding of the paradigms, applications, politics and limitations.
We invite interested authors and experts in Economics, Behavioural Economics, and Applied Statistics to contribute their valuable insights to this groundbreaking publication. This is an excellent opportunity to share your research, contribute to the academic discourse, and make a lasting impact in the field.
The rise of behavioural approaches in economics has been one of most significant developments in the study of economic decision-making in recent years. The increasingly acknowledged failings of standard models of choice to explain economic decisions has prompted economists to incorporate into their analysis psychological insights into individual behaviour, such as social cognitive and emotional biases. This book introduces the topic of behavioural economics to a beginning readership, explaining its approach and methodology and assessing its successes and weaknesses.
The book aims to explore how Behavioural Economics has advanced our understanding of human preferences including notions of fairness, reciprocity and inequality aversion, and the mental processes involved in decision making, which vary with the complexity of the decision and the ability of the decision-maker to process the information. The decision-making of individuals within social and economic groups is explored, including financial practitioners and what this can mean for financial markets. Finally, the book looks at the ways in which findings from behavioural economics have been used to alter the decisions people make, such as the nudge approach, and the ethics of such persuasion.
In the same time, the book aims to be a comprehensive statistics book providing extensive, yet highly accessible, coverage of important issues in fundamental research design and statistical analysis and newer recommendations in how to conduct statistical analysis and report results ethically
The Editors focus on practical applications of the concepts, rather than typical ‘textbook’ applications, in a friendly and uncomplicated way with friendly text and plenty of helpful diagrams and tables.. The focus on meaning rather than the mechanics of computation is also a strength.”

What’s the Aim?
The book editors aim to bring together a set of high-quality chapters that present cutting edge empirical research, new conceptualizations, and evidence-based and innovative approaches and viewpoints of Behavioural Economics and Applied Statistics in Social Sciences in a risky business environment. Thus, the book editors invite chapter manuscripts that present: conceptual contributions; empirical scholarly contributions; contributions presenting the views of practioners.
Topics of Interest that we hope this book will explore, include, but are not limited to: Behavioural Economics; Behavioural Labour Economics; Behavioural microfoundations; Behavioural Public Policy; Culture and Ethics; Health Behaviours; Neuroeconomics; Applied Statistics in Social Sciences; Statistical Methods for Psychology; Descriptive Statistics for Psychological Research; Psychological Methods and Statistics; Behavioural Sciences; Risk Analyse and Business.

Peer Review Process
ASERS Publishing is dedicated to publishing exclusively peer-reviewed papers and books. All scientific works are subject to double blind peer-review prior publishing. ASERS Publishing is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and all participating referees and Academic Editors are instructed to review submitted scientific works in line with the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer-Reviewers where applicable.

No hidden costs
Flat rate Chapter Processing Charge for manuscripts up to 20 pages. Authors or their institutions/funding bodies will need to pay the CPC following acceptance after peer review. The cost of publication in digital format is 250 euro/ chapter.

Our expectations
We seek both theoretical and empirical chapters that tackle the issues of Behavioural Economics and Applied Statistics in Social Sciences by addressing one or more of the above-mentioned topics of interest.
The text will be made up of about ten chapters submitted by different authors, and organized by the editor.
Each chapter should contain an original analysis. We expect a critical analysis and the consideration of the different points of view within the area should be addressed.
Authors will be expected to work in close collaboration with the editors to ensure the above-mentioned expectations are met. Additionally, all authors will be expected to review at least one of the other accepted chapters.

Abstracting and indexing
'Business under Uncertainty – Through the Lens of Behavioural Economics' will be published in digital and print format (on demand) with eISBN/ ISBN and DOI assigned. Each chapter will be carefully double reviewed by the Editors and Scientific Editorial Board of ASERS Publishing and they will check the proposals with iThenticate in order to identify potential similarities.
The book and chapters will be disseminated worldwide, abstracted and send to be evaluated for inclusion in the following databases: CEEOL, EBSCO, EconLit, RePEC, JStore, SCOPUS, Clarivate – Web of Knowledge, WorldCat, and Cabell’s Directory.

Submission Guidelines
Please send us an abstract of your proposed chapter, not exceeding 500 words, on or before the 15th of June, 2024.
Proposals will be treated on a first-come, first-served basis, so early submissions are encouraged.
Abstract proposals should be forwarded to the editors:
PhD Mădălina Constantinescu, Spiru Haret University, Romania (
PhD Laura Ungureanu, Spiru Haret University, Romania (

Publication Schedule
Abstract Submission Deadline: 30th of June, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: 15th of July, 2024
First Chapter Draft Submission Deadline: 1st of September, 2024
First Round of Reviews: 15th of September, 2024
Second Round of Reviews: 30th of September, 2024
Full Chapter Submission Deadline: 1st of October, 2024
Expected Publication: 1st of November, 2024

Please feel free to share this call for contributions with colleagues and networks who may be interested.