Editor in Chief: Ph.D. Laura NICOLA-GAVRILÄ‚, Spiru Haret University, Romania
The Journal aims to publish empirical or theoretical articles which make significant contributions in all areas of finance, such as: asset pricing, corporate finance, banking and market microstructure, but also newly developing fields such as law and finance, behavioural finance, and experimental finance. The Journal will serves as a focal point of communication and debates for its contributors for better dissemination of information and knowledge on a global scale.
Journal of Advanced Studies in Finance is indexed in EBSCO, EconLit, ProQuest, RePEC, CABELL's Directories and CEEOL database.
Online ISSN: 2068-8393
Company: ASERS Publishing Group SRL 35064740
Address: STR. Sabba Stefanescu, nr. 5, 200145, Craiova, Romania
Mail to: apg@aserspublishing.eu
Phone: +40754 027 417